Refund Policy

At SaaSBold, we pride ourselves on offering a customer-friendly refund policy. Our dedicated email support team is committed to ensuring the quality of our paid products. However, should you find the need to request a refund, the following criteria must be met.

    Refunds will be issued if

      • The purchased product ceases to function or display as described in its details, or becomes inoperative post-installation, and our team is unable to provide a solution.
      • Fraudulent activity is detected in relation to your account.

    Refunds will not be issued if:

    • A dispute is opened without first contacting our support team to address the issue.
    • You are unable to configure the product due to a lack of technical expertise.
    • Your web host does not meet the necessary requirements for the product.
    • You have had a change of heart and no longer wish to complete the purchase.
    • You decide not to use the product for any reason.