

The testimonials section builds credibility and trust by highlighting positive experiences and user feedback.

import Testimonials from "./Testimonials";


The testimonials section in SaaSBold allows you to display authentic user feedback, enhancing credibility and encouraging trust among prospective customers. Showcases the following:

Testimonials Section

  • Heading: A title that introduces the testimonials section, emphasizing the value of user feedback.
  • Description: Supporting text that explains the importance of showcasing testimonials and their impact on potential users.
  • Testimonial: Individual feedback entries that include the user's name, profile image, role within their company, and their testimonial text.

Steps to Customize

Locate the Testimonials Component File: Open the Testimonials component file located in components/Home/Testimonials/index.tsx

Update the Title: Modify the title to reflect the purpose of showcasing user testimonials.

title={"Loved by businesses worldwide."}

Update the Description: Enhance the description to emphasize why user feedback is valuable and how it can influence potential customers.

description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit";

Update Testimonials Entries

  1. Go to dictionary/en.json file.
  2. Update the testimonial entries in homepage.testimonials_section.items.
		"name": "Devid warner",
		"designation": "CEO, ABC Company",
		"comment": "Lorem ipsum..."
	// Add more testimonials here

Review and Save: After customizing the testimonials section, ensure each testimonial effectively showcases positive user experiences. Save the file and verify the changes.


  • Authenticity: Ensure genuine testimonials reflect real user experiences to build trust.
  • Variety: Include testimonials from different roles or industries to appeal to a broader audience.

By following these steps and tips, you can create a compelling testimonials section that enhances your product's credibility and positively influences potential customers.