Internationalization Support

Internationalization Support

SaaSBold boilerplate supports internationalization out of the box. It uses next-intl (opens in a new tab) for internationalization.

The translation system from next-intl library is versatile and can be used in:

  • Server components (RSC)
  • Client components

How to use

The guide below will show you how we used next-intl throughout the project. You can deep dive more into this from their official guide (opens in a new tab).

Server components (RSC)

To use translations in server components, use the getTranslations function from next-intl.

import { getTranslations } from "next-intl";
export default async function Page() {
	const t = await getTranslations("account_settings_page");
	return <Breadcrumb pageTitle={t("heading")} />;

Client components

The library also provides a hook to use translations in client components.

"use client";
import { useTranslations } from "next-intl";
export default function CopyToClipboard() {
	const t = useTranslations("common");
	return <button>{t("copy")}</button>;

Adding new translations

Out of the box SaaSBold ships with English and German translations. To add a new language:

  1. Create a new file in the /dictionary directory with the language code as the filename (e.g. fr.json for French).

  2. Add the translations to the file

    Go to the /dictionary/en.json file and copy the content. Paste it into the new file and translate the values.

    	"header": {
    		"features": "Fonctionnalités",
    		"pricing": "Tarifs",
    		"blog": "Blog",
    		"pages": "Pages",
    		"blogDetails": "Détails du blog",
    		"signIn": "Connexion",
    		"signUp": "Inscription",
    		"errors": "Erreurs 404",
    		"support": "Support",
    		"buyNow": "Acheter maintenant ↗",
    		"account_menu": {
    			"account_settings": "Paramètres du compte",
    			"dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
    			"logOut": "Déconnexion"

    The key names should be the same across all language files.

    Good to know: The en.json file is the default language file. If a key is missing in the new language file, the value from the en.json file will be used.

  3. Add the new language to the SUPPORTED_LOCALES array in the src/i18n/supported-locales.ts file.

    export const SUPPORTED_LOCALES = [
    		name: "English",
    		code: "en",
    		name: "German",
    		code: "de",
    		name: "French",
    		code: "fr",